Goedemorgen 109 – Vlinders

4 Mar 2011

Getting across the border Peru / Ecuador

3 Mar 2011

(Note the whole conversation took part in Spanish, a language which I, I of course master. Could you imagine how fluent it all went, boesjakka )

A small act for two. BorderGuard (BS) and Basszje (B)

Setting: Small immigracion office set in the hills between Peru and Ecuador. Some backpackers are filling out the big andean immigration questionnaire. Borderguard looks pretty happy.

BS … So you are entering Peru?
B Eh no, entering Ecuador actually, leaving Peru
BS … Eh yes but where is your tourist card?
B Hum yes, don?t have that one
BS .. And your visa, and no exit stamp from Ecuador…
B I have to explain this one.

Piura in three photos

2 Mar 2011

Why? Because I?m a lazy guy!

Goedemorgen 108 – Sudokukat

2 Mar 2011

How to get Peruvian Soles in Quito?

28 Feb 2011

That was the question a few weeks ago. We were heading to the region of Tiwintza for the big river trip. In Ecuador everything goes easy-pesay with dollars, in Peru it?s neuvo soles. So we thought it would be pretty nice to have some, you know pay for food. We didn?t think there would be much cashmachines around. So you just go to the nearest exchange office, no? No, not in Ecuador.

Tiwintza – Santa Maria de Neiva

26 Feb 2011

While being in Pasto we get a message from Yu that he’s planning to do a rivertrip from Ecuador to Peru which is pretty well of the beaten track. We met Yu (and Stacey who’s also in) in Tolu with the Couchsurfing meeting Colombia a month or so earlier.

Op bezoek bij de immigratie in Pasto

25 Feb 2011

Verhaaltjes! Wie is er niet groot mee geworden? De komende tijd – bij gebrek aan camera – maar wat verhaaltjes over dingen die de laatste tijd zijn gebeurd in de hoop daar iemand nog mee te vermaken. Dus ga er lekker voor zitten, pas een drankje en luistert hoe je van liften in Pasto zomaar in een politiewagen beland.

Bogota III : Monseratte

23 Feb 2011

Lost month I was in Bogota, part III of the photos. Yes I’m that behind…

Bomba Esterio (muziek)

16 Feb 2011

Om het gat tussen de blogs nog wat te vullen (wegens geen internet ) Bomba Esterio:

Goedemorgen 107 – Botero cat

1 Feb 2011