De ambassade Archive

Closed Themepark

29 Jun 2010

WM in Deutschland

28 Jun 2010

Even the Republic can’t dodge Germany football in Berlin. The subways are more quiet than in the middle of the night when there is a game going on. Some images from the second goal of Germany in a much too crowded Biergarten in Tiergarten.

Treptower Park

27 Jun 2010

As usual, the Russians know their way around memorials…

Goedemorgen 92: Marja-Liisa's goodbye

26 Jun 2010

Recently we said goodbye to CS-er Marja Liisa from Finland with a dinner and a bunch of funny pictures. This is the best from my camera…

Cemetary again

25 Jun 2010

Taken at the partially emtpy St Anreas / Sankt Markus Friedhof in Berlin Hohenschonhausen. Thanks to Rachel! Finally some decent pictures of me.

Abandoned childrens hospital

21 Jun 2010

In Berlin there are many old building just standing around unused. This hospital for children was opened in 1908 with a extra building opening in 1987 but closed in the nineties (1997) and since then nothing useful happened with the building. (The large images look nicer, so click on them)

Goedemorgen 91: Karl-Liebknechtdenkmal

19 Jun 2010

Karl Liebknecht

Goedemorgen 90 : Eend

17 Jun 2010

Der krise heisst Kapitalismus

15 Jun 2010

Om mezelf maar weer eens van mijn radicaal-revolutionaire kant te laten zien, meegelopen in de demonstratie van 12 juni 2010. Leg de rekening neer bij degenen die de crisis hebben veroorzaakt; de bankiers en de neoliberalen.

Summer in Berlin

14 Jun 2010

I know I know! It’s darned queiet here on the Republic. What-is-this-guy-doing you might wonder upon? Well fair enough, Berlin is a nice city and it becomes even nicer if the weather permits. I’ve been doing a grand hanging out in the parks tour, risking my personal life and limbs, to bring you this posting.