De ambassade Archive

Some blogs of follow travelers

25 Sep 2011

Just a quick and dirty post today, don’t have much gusto or time to write lenghty stories of post a shitload about San Pedro (and me still finding no couch in Salts, grmbl)

Anyhow a few blogs to follow when you are bored or want to see more of the world.

Hendrik is momentarily in Thailand, walking. He was my host in Goslar, Germany.

Then Jade’s site about all lot and nothing.

And last for now Traveltrousers is the site of a pretty cool photographer I met in Iquique and he makes to my opinion fantastic photo’s. He’s been traveling for four years and not done yet by the looks of it.

Do you know more blogs? Post them at the comments!

Goedemorgen 139 – Boom

22 Sep 2011


21 Sep 2011

Goedemorgen 138 – Withdrawal

20 Sep 2011

Humberstone industrial complex

18 Sep 2011

See the first post about this place and explanation here

Goedemorgen 137 – Apocalyps

18 Sep 2011

Anybody ever played Auto Assault? It might that some people drew some inspiration from pictures below


17 Sep 2011

Wiki:”Humberstone and Santa Laura works contain over 200 former saltpeter works where workers from Chile, Peru and Bolivia lived in company towns and forged a distinctive communal pampinos culture. That culture is manifest in their rich language, creativity, and solidarity, and, above all, in their pioneering struggle for social justice, which had a profound impact on social history. Situated in the remote desert Pampa, one of the driest deserts on earth, thousands of pampinos lived and worked in this hostile environment, for over 60 years, from 1880, to process the largest deposit of saltpeter in the world, producing the fertilizer sodium nitrate that was to transform agricultural lands in North and South America, and in Europe, and produce great wealth for Chile.”

This is the residential part of town. The industrial complex is also coming soon!

Goedemorgen 136 – Cuidado machismo

17 Sep 2011

Vrijdagavondmuziek: Matamba

17 Sep 2011

Reggae from Bolivia

Goedemorgen 135 – Too hip

15 Sep 2011

Me being hip, if only for a few seconds at a luxurious rooftop bar in Madrid.