Algemene zaken Archive

Read: No way down – Life and death on K2

10 Dec 2011

I care about mountaineering about the same amount as raising pigs, so this book was not the first one to pick up. A bunch of people bounced up the second highest peak in the Himalaya didn’t seem much for a story

But to the credit of the author I really enjoyed this one and finished it quickly. A group from different expeditions and countries is climbing one of the most challenging peaks in the world. A place where many people have died before. It succesfully details the climbers, their mentality, the risks they take and the lifes they live. Strong reaccount of a climb, the accidents and what happens to the human body on such high peaks.

Even The Republic sometimes takes time to read. In South-America reading in English involves reading books simply because they are lingering around the hostel or second-hand bookstore, not because The Republic actually wants to read them..

Vrijdagmiddagmuziek : Kinky

9 Sep 2011

Wat je toch al niet hoort!

Goedemorgen 129 – Trabgangsters

10 Jul 2011

Goedemorgen 128 – Klusvolk

9 Jul 2011

Een foto zegt een hoop..

Goedemorgen 119 – Cock of the Rock

15 Apr 2011

Curacao (III) – Sinterklaas en westpunt

29 Nov 2010

On our last days Miriam decides to try diving again, while I snorkle around and finding myself having about enough lack of air than I generally like to have.

Also Sinterklaas entered town in a parade of motors, nomands, children en zwarte pieten.

Some Oranjestad

24 Oct 2010

Apart from the boulevard, the overly luxurous Rennaissance project there is more to Oranjestad.

Me and my host in Maribor

21 Aug 2010

Which happened to result in a lot of pictures with two persons on it . (All photos not taken actually in Maribor )

The long dusty road to Praha

27 Jul 2010

Pretty happy me and Andreas leave Dresden in a soaking hot blaze of sunlight. It’s against well over 30 degrees around 10 in the morning. And that means we were up before for some time already.

Twente in vogelvlucht

12 Apr 2010

Vanuit Deventer naar Duitsland in drie etappes? Welzeker! Nu ja of eigenlijk vier. Twee nachten uitrusten, broodnodige rust trouwens ook, bij Bankkennis Bertold in Enschede. CS-meet en Marleen kwam ook nog langs. Kortom sefkens rust.