Even the Republic can’t dodge Germany football in Berlin. The subways are more quiet than in the middle of the night when there is a game going on. Some images from the second goal of Germany in a much too crowded Biergarten in Tiergarten.
Berlin Archive
Treptower Park
27 Jun 2010
Goedemorgen 92: Marja-Liisa's goodbye
26 Jun 2010
Cemetary again
25 Jun 2010
Der krise heisst Kapitalismus
15 Jun 2010
Om mezelf maar weer eens van mijn radicaal-revolutionaire kant te laten zien, meegelopen in de demonstratie van 12 juni 2010. Leg de rekening neer bij degenen die de crisis hebben veroorzaakt; de bankiers en de neoliberalen.
Summer in Berlin
14 Jun 2010
I know I know! It’s darned queiet here on the Republic. What-is-this-guy-doing you might wonder upon? Well fair enough, Berlin is a nice city and it becomes even nicer if the weather permits. I’ve been doing a grand hanging out in the parks tour, risking my personal life and limbs, to bring you this posting.