Chiclayo is a noisy, busy and smelly city in Nothern Peru, near / in the desert on a place where you would think nobody would like to found a city. There are three big markets where at the biggest you can find all kinds of random stuff; from fruits to clothing and even weird shaman potion to enhance all kinds of (sex) life.
8 Apr 2011
By basszje On 8 April 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
Chimborazo is the world’s highest mountain, at least if you count from the earth’s core and also the nearest point on earth from the sun. I took a mountain bike and went down from 5000 meter. Too bad – of course – the weather was kinda bad. Then again if you really want to see the vulcano, get of your lazy ass.
Goedemorgen 117 – Centro de Ciudad Runtun
6 Apr 2011
By basszje On 6 April 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
Goedemorgen 116 – Destroy a habitat?
5 Apr 2011
By basszje On 5 April 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean