De ambassade Archive
Goedemorgen 89: Achtertuin
3 Jun 2010
Stukje Hohenschonhausen
1 Jun 2010
Iraqi embassy of the DDR (2)
29 May 2010
Iraqi embassy of the DDR (1)
28 May 2010
By popular hint I got into the Embassy of Iraq in East-Berlin, together with some couchsurfers. The building is deserted since 1991 and since nothing happened here. Formely it still belongs to Iraq, but as you can guess they kind of have other problems. What makes this building interesting over other deserted buildings that it looks like they had to abandon everything in the course of a few hours. Papers and old machinery still ly around. After twenty years of decay and a fire it’s completely run down, but still offers a view into history you normally see only behind the windows of a museum this days. This is the first post, interior and some exterior of the building. But first check the video after the break.