The estate of our old dictator Janukovich. There are already a zillion photos online, but to remember we were there as well some more. Very advisabel though to go and see this place with your own eyes since it -big-. In fact it’s much bigger than I imagined and I imagined it already to be huge.
De ambassade Archive
Last weekend we were in Slavytich for a festival on film and urbanism. The location of Slavytich is significant since this town was newly built mostly to shelter the refugees from Prypiat after the Chernobyl disaster. Hence quite a good location for a festival on urbanism considering this town was artificially built from scratch in just two years (’86-88). Also this weekend is signifcant since it marks the date when the disaster occured ( 26 april 1986 ) . Many people still work at the plant nowadays. Since then it looks like time almost stood still in this small town.
Oekraine arena voor botsende belangen
(Geschreven voor Sargasso)
Het gesprek van de week in Oekra?ne is ?Fuck Europa?. De pijnlijke uitspraak van Amerikaanse diplomate Victoria Nuland tegen ambassadeur Pyatt. De uitspraak valt te begrijpen aangezien de VS voorstander is van de sanctie-dreiging, terwijl Europa het pad heeft gekozen van eindeloze oproepen en discussies. Kennelijk is de stroperigheid een ergernis in het diplomatieke circus. Daarnaast werden ook de hoofdrolspelers van de Oekra?ense oppositie gefileerd. ?Klitsch? ( Klitschko ) is ongeschikt om te regeren. Merkel noemde de uitspraak ?onacceptabel.?