Or: The mountain that was too much for me. Nice walk, nice view of Cusco though.
De ambassade Archive
Goedemorgen 163 – Sing belowafter
Goedemorgen 162 – Border Peru – Bolivia
Goedemorgen 160 – First floor door
The muddy travels of Beni
By now everybody who tunes into my every now and then know I lost my camera with a whole bunch of top-notch photo’s of the already infamous Trinidad to San Borja trip in Bolivia. So unfortunately for me ( and you, dear reader ) I have to do it with text and stealing pictures from google images ( yes I’m that kind of a criminal ) .
I stole two photos from two albums of a blog called NomadKiwis, they look pretty cool so I hope they don’t mind.
Surprised I didn’t post ‘trini’ before and sad it’s part of the big ‘lost camera – lost photos – collection. ( The lost photos are probably somewhere to see for free around Hotel San Borja in San Borja where the thing miraculously went up in smoke ). Anyway only three photo’s of Beni’s capital. And without all the motocycles.