I’m playing Virtonomics, an online business game. Here I’ll report every now and then on my proceedings

In my previous post I went to expand into Norway.


With the steep profits I’m making in Norway I’m able to invest in two big warehouses in Lithuania together with a few laboraties to invent my technologies. I’ve guessed right that with time passing more players would go into Norway setting something off that looks like a price war. And thus happened. Margins are still high and stable, but not what they were before.


With the warehouses in place I can start building a solid stream of supply without having to click through 9 shops individually to change suppliers when others are better or simply stop delivering. This helps saving a lot of time, better spend on the expansion

Nearly bankrupt

Do not underestimate the incredible investments sometimes needed to make a factory work! After building an underwear factory the startup losses where so big I lost a staggering 16 million in one turn – three times my weekly profit – and almost sent the whole thing down. Solution was to put the factory in holiday mode (nothing gets done, nothing costs ) and wait for some more funds to get around.


For now the company is stable and slowly I’m working on advanced qualifications ( sort of leveling system ) and expanding my current factories and shops to places way bigger. From 400 to 5000 employees per facility. And of course building a buffer to prevent heavy fluctuations in the future.

Signed from the boardroom,

CEO of Calaeyosis business prospects ltd