book Archive

Read : Dead by Sunset – Ann Rule

29 Nov 2011

Dead by Sunset is a long long story about a murder, it’s trial and it’s backgrounds. At first I didn’t really look forward to reading this since the back cover went on about the combination drama, women and families. You understand probably. Anyway since there was nothing else to read around I started.

It’s a true story, which usually sucks. It’s about the murder of a woman by her husband ( it’s no detective either so I can give that away ). And it’s quite chilling as well. The ‘perfect’ husbrand Brad with a good job, lot’s of money (learns you to go for that huh) turns out to be quite a nut job stalking, threatening and using both his children as wifes more as property than anything else.

The books deals the first hundred-so pages with a tiring family history but after that I grew on me. Maybe I’m getting soft on my age. The reason why is probably that the story is so hard to believe and the guy manages to escape so many times you want to know where its headed and if he ever manages to get convicted, basically for making other peoples life miserable.

It’s a good book if you like drama, especially themed around true stories, bad men and courtrooms. For the rest of us it’s still a good read if you encounter it somewhere

Even The Republic sometimes takes time to read. In South-America reading in English involves reading books simply because they are lingering around the hostel or second-hand bookstore, not because The Republic actually wants to read them..

International jews, niggers and the reds

26 May 2011

Studs Lonigan is an interesting trilogy of books written around the beginning of the thirties by James T Farell. I picked it up recently at a secondhand bookstore in Ecuador.

It deals with the hopelessness of the crisis and the incredible racism occurring everywhere in the world around that time. As the history is often rewritten by the victor so is that part of our collective minds dealing with the Jewish people in the aftermath of the second world war. Still sticks a image of the allies trying to ‘save’ the jews from the holocaust. Studs Lonigan provides on that subject an interesting peak in the minds of the Catholic Irish (white) working class of the 30’s in south Chicago.

One quote;

“Well that’s what we get for letting the Jew international bankers get control of our country. You know what we need? We need a man like Mussolini here in America. A strong man to take things out of the hnds of the Jew international bankers and the gangsters. If we had a man like Mussolini over here for two months, he’d straighten out a lot of people and put them where they belong, behind the bar of against a wall “