Tingo Maria

6 May 2011

Casma and Sichen

5 May 2011

The lovely small town of Casma with the nearby archeological site Sichen. As well pre-inca with very nice views. At the site I had a hour long discussion with a mototaxi driver in Spanish, that’s how I roll (had to wait on some french (always the french!) tourists.

Danza Kuduro

4 May 2011

In the category of annoying music that literaly every day comes by in some form. Apart from Lalala Panamericana and Shakira this must be third here in the playlist

Maybe a nice prelude to summer for all the Dutchies?


4 May 2011


3 May 2011

Finally got a stable enough internet connection. So here we go with catching up! A while ago I was in the deserty landscape of Chiclayo / Tucume where old people (before inca times) used to dwell, according to all the sandy buildings

Goedemorgen 121 – Vlinder (II)

19 Apr 2011

Goedemorgen 120 – Vlinder (I)

17 Apr 2011

Goedemorgen 119 – Cock of the Rock

15 Apr 2011

Zamora in short

14 Apr 2011

It’s not too big anyway, just a lovely little town in the Ecuadorian middle of nowhere

Goedemorgen 118 – Majestic

14 Apr 2011

Some criticism on the walls about the hostel I was staying in in Cuenca, or better said about that specific room. I thought it was pretty fine, together with the hostel. But the comments are quite, erm, creative anyway