Goedemorgen 152 – Antifa Cordoba

8 Jan 2012

Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

7 Jan 2012

Virtonomics – The long way up

27 Dec 2011

I’m playing Virtonomics, an online business game. Here I’ll report every now and then on my proceedings

In my previous post I had some growing pains.

Stable money stream

After nearly going bankrupt, described in my previous posting I worked hard to get a stable situation going on. I might not always be around to micromanage every aspect ( some traveling needs to be done sometimes ) so with my warehouses and factories I wanted to get to a point where they would almost run automatically, me only needed every few other turns to fix the supply stream on one or two points. This can by now be considered almost done

Goedemorgen 151 – Biiiird

22 Dec 2011

Condoritos – People

21 Dec 2011

Sometimes people complain about this highly read blog that I don’t post enough photo’s with people on it. Probably true, so for you today some photo’s I stole from the lovely Nois from Quebrada de Condoritos.

Goedemorgen 150 – Legalize

20 Dec 2011

Random Facebook photos

19 Dec 2011

Some random photos including me which didn’t make it yet to this lovely blog.

Goedemorgen 149 – Bird zillion

18 Dec 2011

A bridge around sunset

17 Dec 2011

For today; some relaxing photo’s I took while relaxing, looking at a relaxed sunset in San Marcos Sierras. A pretty relaxed town if I may say so..

Goedemorgen 149 – Bluebird

16 Dec 2011