A quick look on some of the inscriptions busses have around these parts. As you can see, they are not bad at all!
Zuid-Amerika en Carribean Archive
Goedemorgenmiddag 114 – Leuke snor meneer
2 Apr 2011
By basszje On 2 April 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
29 Mar 2011
By basszje On 29 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
Alright, a blog on Montanita. It’s shitty, everybody thinks they’re pretty cool and I don?t know why I’m staying here in the first place. But (BUT!) I met a whole bunch of cool people which make up for the town. And this pictures maybe, if you’re grinding away in some boring office place in Ollanda.
Goedemiddag 113 – Nice bus senor!
20 Mar 2011
By basszje On 20 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
19 Mar 2011
By basszje On 19 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
To celebrate I didn’t hear this song for the last two days, the first two days since I arrived at Aruba in some version or another.
19 Mar 2011
By basszje On 19 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
The largest city in Ecuador, read all about it on wiki