De ambassade Archive

Uyuni – Salar de Uyuni

14 Feb 2012

The biggest salt field in the world. Notice the volcano in the back on one photo is about 100 km far away. Amazing wide views.

Uyuni – Train Cemetary

13 Feb 2012

Goedemorgen 156 – Hot drinks

13 Feb 2012


12 Feb 2012

Uyuni is a small town in the west of Bolivia, basically in the middle of nowhere. It used to be the central point for trains in Bolivia. The town knew many immigrants from Europe and America who where working in maintainance of the trains and the system; most of the locomotives came from countries like England, Germany and later the US. In the train cemetary there are still some old trains lying around ( photos in a later update ).

In the nineties the Bolivian government decided – cough – was forced to privatise the train system which almost meant an overnight end to the town of Uyuni. Many people moved away to find work in other places. Luckily the town survived only because tourism picked up for the nearby salar. Nowadays the town fully lives on tourism.

Without tourism the town would be another ghosttown hit by the here devastating nightmare of neoliberalism.

Villazon and the train to Uyuni

11 Feb 2012

Villazon is a border town on the Bolivian side of the border. Crossing the border was remarkably easy. Usually there is a rudimentary bag check or guards try to give the impression checking anything. Not from Argentina to Bolivia; to stamp-stamp done. Which took quite a long time because of the line. Anyway Villazon is nothing important, just a small town.

Hitching from Purmamaca to .. Villazon

10 Feb 2012

Hitchhiking from Purmamarca to Villazon was hard and tedious. Full sun, no shade and almost no traffic heading up north. And to my surprise no trucks either, they all take the turn at Purmamarca to head in the direction of Chile instead… After 60 km in 6 hours with including standing for two hours at the location below we gave up and took a bus. With only costed some 30 pesos, pretty cheap for Argentina.

Goedemorgen 155 – Cat on dog

9 Feb 2012

Purmamarca – Cerro de siete colores

8 Feb 2012

Purmamarca in the province of Jujuy is the location of the mountain of the 7 colors. Quite obvious how it got the name. It?s full of young backpackers from Argentina, but also a pretty nice town. It doesn?t feel like Argentina though much since it?s part of the Andes area and the people look accordingly.

Cafayate to Salta

7 Feb 2012

Another time! The trip from Cafayate to Salta is enchanting. Some photos with as extra the dique Cabral that I didn?t visit the last time. Also a nice, but very touristy place. Hithhiking was easy since we went with the same guy who picked us up in Tafi del Valle.

Hitchhiking: Cordoba – Salta

26 Jan 2012

A short story in pictures, hitchhiking in Argentina ( yes we really came this far ) from Cordoba to Salta in about a week. We stopped in San Marcos Sierras, Lavalle and Cafayate to enjoy the surroundings. We also met a few zillion people and saw about 10 different cars from inside and outside. Thanks go out to all the nice people who take strangers on their travels of course!