Last saturday a demonstration started from five different places in Berlin. The starting points where all places being threatened by megalomanic buildings plan and neoliberal use of the spree riverside. We departed from Kunsthaus Tacheles, which is threatened by closure in four weeks. It was a colorful party-like march to show the city what it will miss if it squanders it’s cultural diversity, it’s open spaces and clubs. Exactly the thing that makes Berlin still an unique place opposed to most other West-European cities which look exactly the same. The imagine-less corporate-landscape. Anyhow, the march (38 degrees celcius) ended in cool-down waterfight in a fountain.
Berlin Archive
Teufelsberg(2) – The outsides
13 Jul 2010
The Teufelsberg in West-Berlin has an interesting history and probably the coolest abandoned place to visit in the city. Be sure to read to wiki about this place! Photo’s also proudly stolen from Marleen and Sarah.
Teufelsberg(1) – The insides
12 Jul 2010
The Teufelsberg in West-Berlin has an interesting history and probably the coolest abandoned place to visit in the city. Be sure to read to wiki about this place! Photo’s also proudly stolen from Marleen and Sarah.
Hup Holland Hup
12 Jul 2010
Lichtenberger Stadium
11 Jul 2010
Yep another empty spot in the area, the old Lichtenberger Stadium.
Goedemorgen 93: Free fruit
1 Jul 2010