Pretty happy me and Andreas leave Dresden in a soaking hot blaze of sunlight. It’s against well over 30 degrees around 10 in the morning. And that means we were up before for some time already.
We have to walk some 5 km to the highway in the direction of Praha. Because of the fast fast way to Dresden our hopes are high. About 20 minutes later a man with his daughter picks us up. They are driving some 20 kilometres in the right direction. That is not the highway, but the lovely countryways. The people who ever drove to Szech Republic know which roads those are. Anyway also well travelled. His daughter works at an ice-cream parler near a big lake. He is cool enough to buy us an icecream.
We get dropped off at an intersection leading up to Teplice, near the border. Here we have to wait for almost two hours before a woman picks us up. The ride is a big, rundown van where the only fancy thing a very capable boombox is. We bounce over the Szech border and say goodbye. We get some bread and a cold cold bottle of water, which is already really nice in this weather.
Third ride of the day takes another 2 hours waiting. The road just over the border is sometimes completey empty and mostly used by germans for getting cheaper gas just over the border. The second we want to give up and cook, a car pulls up and a very cheerful lady stops to bring us to Teplice. She hardly speaks English but she just came back from a day of swimming and relaxing.
We get dropped off after the town. Fourth pickup are smelly idiots in a equally shitty car. They bring us a bit farther until the car is out of gasoline and they start asked for money. Well, no sireh. Not a nice ride.
After about 10 seconds we get another ride. Much better in a spacy van. He drops us some 30 kilometers out of Prague. Then another ride, another 15 km further. We did a small competetion who is best to get a ride somewhere. Right now it’s 3-2 in favor of Andreas.
We worry that sunlight is going down fast and we might have to camp in the middle of nowhere. But again we get a ride within the three minutes, also scoring 3-3; which is the final score since this couple is going to Praha. Also, they are young people so speak decent English and can finally have a conversation and learn some Czech words.
To end this post. Prague kindoff sucked. No host so we slept outside on the isle to be woken up by police dogs and not-so-friendly police. There are too much of those anyway. Hitchhiking out also didn’t work ( too much police ) so I took the train to Budapest in the end. My HH-ing partner went a day earlier.