Just outside Cuenca there is Giron de Chorra, a small town with a double cascade just outside. I was there with Adriana, another lovely couchsurfer, exploring the countryside and where the hell the busses leave from.
Goedemorgen 112 – Partido Socialista
11 Mar 2011
By basszje On 11 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
Loja, Casa Castles and Che
4 Mar 2011
By basszje On 4 March 2011 In Zuid-Amerika en Carribean
How to summorize the last days? The title explains a bit. Met up with a nice girl from couchsurfing, the castle is built from scratsch by her grandfather. Pretty impressive,no! Also met a Ukrainian guy who did half the world on his motor. In 7 months from Ukraine, via Kazachstan and Korea to Seattle, and then all the way down to Ecuador. And of course there was dancing involved.