Bad road in Ecuador

3 Apr 2011

Bien Ecuador, middle of nowhere. I was warned that the road between Portoviejo and Quivedo nog particulary good was. After a few hours of winding road, halfway asphalt and nice views we arrive at above point.

I’m pretty happy about the change because it give me a chance to escape the sweaty old guy sitting next to me muttering in some incoherent Spanish (from Puerto Lopez to Ambato is about 4 or 5 different accents which I can make something of in various modes of succes ).

When I cross the ditch where road construction is going on I reach the other bus and sit myself next to a girl. She immediately begins to look at me and pinches my legs, says ‘que flaco’ ( thin ). And sometimes about smoking being bad for ya ( no kidding ). After a brief introduction (where from-where to, etc) in accent which is not much clearer, she continues to stare at me for a hour or so. Everytime when I look left, she stares quicly outside the window. At some point she jumps out without saying a word and is gone.

I arrive in a hot, humid town with lot’s of air pollution where absolutely nothing is going on. Welcome to Quevedo.

Goedemorgen 115 – More bus

3 Apr 2011

A quick look on some of the inscriptions busses have around these parts. As you can see, they are not bad at all!

Goedemorgenmiddag 114 – Leuke snor meneer

2 Apr 2011

From posters in Quevedo, clear leadership aspirations this guy

Puerto Lopez

2 Apr 2011


29 Mar 2011

Alright, a blog on Montanita. It’s shitty, everybody thinks they’re pretty cool and I don?t know why I’m staying here in the first place. But (BUT!) I met a whole bunch of cool people which make up for the town. And this pictures maybe, if you’re grinding away in some boring office place in Ollanda.

Goedemiddag 113 – Nice bus senor!

20 Mar 2011


19 Mar 2011

To celebrate I didn’t hear this song for the last two days, the first two days since I arrived at Aruba in some version or another.


19 Mar 2011

The largest city in Ecuador, read all about it on wiki

Cajas national park

18 Mar 2011


17 Mar 2011

Today, Cuenca! One of the more beautiful cities in Ecuador as they say, but judge for yourself.