Goedemorgen 177 – Another bad bus

8 Jun 2012


7 Jun 2012

Brasilia, the planned capital of Brasil

Goedemorgen 176: Besaton Asuncion

6 Jun 2012


5 Jun 2012

A cave, a pool and tasting cacha-stuffy at the local distillery and trying all flavors.

Cerro Cora National Park

4 Jun 2012

In Paraguay! Next Juan Pedro Caballero

Concepcion (Paraguay)

3 Jun 2012

Train Buenos Aires – Posadas

2 Jun 2012

From a remote station in BA called Pilar there is a weekly relaxing train to Posadas, which is about half the price a bus ride would cost. It also takes a lot longer, but that’s why you are traveler no? Reaching the station was hard since I had to walk for about 20 minutes on train track in the dark. Nice and scary.

Buenos Aires

1 Jun 2012


31 May 2012


28 May 2012

Colonia is an old settlement across the river from Buenos Aires in Uruguay.