Momenteel is de G8 in volle gang. Het hypocriete geneuzel elk jaar van de topleiders die publiekelijk discussieren over het verder helpen van de mensheid, in het geheim de vrije handel nog wat aanscherpen. Zij kijken wel uit de hand de bijten die hen voed, campagnes betaald en aan hoge functies helpt.
Ondertussen sterven duizenden mensen direct door hun maatregelen. En in Nederland? Balkenende likt de beulen, de PvdA vindt reageerakkoorden belangrijk en christelijke waarden hoeven alleen opgelegd te worden aan heidenen.
Don’t listen to what the rich world’s leaders say – look at what they do (The Guardian)
The G8 demands action on climate change; the World Bank, controlled by the G8 nations, funds coal burning power stations and deforestation projects. The G8 requests better terms of trade for Africa; Europe and the United States use the world trade talks to make sure this doesn’t happen. The G8 leaders call for the debt to be reduced; the IMF demands that poor nations remove barriers to the capital flows that leave them in hock. The G8 leaders simultaneously wring their hands and wash their hands: we have done what we can; if we have failed, it is only because of the corruption of third world elites.
The question is no longer whether the undemocratic power the G8 nations exert over the rest of the world can be used for good or ill. The question is whether it will cease to be used.